Pecos River 3 miles ESE of Sheffield

Last updated: Mar 15, 2025, 2:01 AM UTC
Red Flag Warning
Blowing Dust Advisory

Flood Impacts 🅘

  • 30 - the river reaches major flood stage, and begins flowing over the highway bridge.
  • 29 - the river reaches moderate flood stage, and continues to flooding of area ranch land. Cattle losses are possible. The river inundates the ranch road, rendering it laregly impassable.
  • 28 - the river reaches minor flood stage, and begins flooding area ranch land. Livestock may be threatened. The river begins to flood the gravel road that leads to the Smith and Marley-B Ranches, and reaches the bottom of the bridge.

Gauge Info

Coordinates 30.6596, -101.770
State TX
County Pecos
Data Provider(s)
US Geological Survey USGS--Water Resources of the United States
USGS 08447000

Gauge Location

Recent Crests

1. 6.29 ft on 08-27-2010
2. 23.47 ft on 09-11-2008
3. 20.15 ft on 09-19-1974
4. 20.50 ft on 09-01-1954
5. 17.72 ft on 06-27-1954

Historic Crests

1. 23.50 ft on 09-01-1919
2. 23.47 ft on 09-11-2008
3. 20.50 ft on 09-01-1954
4. 20.15 ft on 09-19-1974
5. 17.72 ft on 06-27-1954

Vertical Datum Table

type NAVD88
major Flooding 2056.60 ft
moderate Flooding 2055.60 ft
minor Flooding 2054.60 ft
action 2049.60 ft
Latest Value 2029.13 ft
Gauge Zero 2026.60 ft

Gauge Photos

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Probability Information

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Collaborative Agencies

The National Weather Service prepares its forecasts and other services in collaboration with agencies like the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Park Service, ALERT Users Group, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and many state and local emergency managers across the country. For details, please click here.

WFO Information

Weather Forecast Office
2500 Challenger Drive
Midland, TX 79706
Official Homepage